RUN DMC, Michael Jackson & a Camel Named Bobo

The renowned 80s hiphop trio RUN-DMC are actually named after the annual Running of the Camels held in The Chihuahuan Desert, Texas.

The DM part of the name derives from the species of camel favoured by the Rap superstars; the Dark Muscovites. Indeed, true die hard fans often term themselves as Muscovites or Muscs for short.

The name took on sentimental meaning after DJ RUN’s mother, Maya-Yolana Run, was trampled and mauled to death by a stray herd of Camels at the 1988 Annual meeting. In autopsy, the camels were discovered to be fuelled by cocaine and amphetamines, exposing a widespread drug problem within the event. All the Camels were immediately put-down but for one named Bobo who was bought by The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, and lived with him on the Neverland ranch to the fruitful old age of 76.

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