
Please allow your retinas to peruse the information below and send the appropriate messages to your brain.
We are a website based upon satire – we intend this content to be purely for entertainment purposes only.

The Hip Hop Chip Shop uses the names of public figures to satirise but any references to other real names is unintended and coincidental – it isn’t factual – Lauryn Hill didn’t have a voice transplant as a child.

All our content is original and copyrighted – we strive to ensure that any images are sourced correctly and give credit where it is due.

If you wish to use our name, logo, articles or images then please get on touch for our written permission.

If you have any concerns about the content of the site – please consider where this concern sits in the priority list of your life, ask yourself “Am i that concerned i need to do something about it?” If the answer is yes then please get in touch – we a cheery helpful bunch and will try our gosh darn hardest to please.

Also, its probably best that this website is viewed by conscientiousness adults (18+) albeit with the maturity of immature children, but nonetheless, adults.

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