Def Jam Enter UK’s Fruit Preserves Market

Hip-Hop recording label Def Jam have surprisingly diversified their already expansive portfolio into the fruit preserve market, simply called “Def Jams” Sekena Sayon, Def Jams chief spokeswoman stated “it’s an area we have been considering for sometime, and only now we are seeing market conditions show all the right signs for our launch. We’ve identified a gap … Continue reading

Vladimir Putin Takes Wu-Tang Clan To Court

wu tang clans defence secretary in court against vladimir putin

Vladimir Putin vs. Wu-Tang Clan Russian. Dist. Court Moscow (July 23, 2007) In late 2006 Wu Tang Clan announced their epic 2007 World Tour covering 28 countries and 94 cities, including Moscow. What the clan hadn’t anticipated was that in Russian ‘Wu-Tang Clan’ roughly translates to “Vladimir Putin likes necrophilia” Vladimir Putin, then enjoying is … Continue reading